Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Darwinian Grand Tour--From Chicago to the Galapagos to Freiburg

Over the next year, I will be travelling around the world for some lecturing.

I begin in Chicago at the Midwest Political Science Association convention on April 14 and Prairie State College on April 17.  At the MWPSA convention, I will present a paper on "Nietzsche's Darwinian Liberalism."  At Prairie State, I will lead a discussion in George Streeter's philosophy class, which is a class on Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche, and Freud.

I then go to the Galapagos Islands where I will lecture at a Mont Pelerin Society conference on "Evolution, the Human Sciences, and Liberty," June 22-29.  My wife and I will also do some touring on a yacht around the Galapagos, following Darwin's path, and then we will go to Machu Picchu and the Ecuadorean Amazonian area for a few weeks.

In the fall, I will be lecturing at the University of Notre Dame for the political theory workshop there (September 13) and at Lone Star College in Houston (October 10).  I was invited to Notre Dame by Michael Zuckert.  I was invited to Lone Star by John Barr, the author of Loathing Lincoln: An American Tradition from the Civil War to the Present (forthcoming from LSU Press).  I was one of the reviewers of Barr's book for LSU, and I recommend it as one of the best new books on Lincoln, which offers a stunning panorama of the whole anti-Lincoln tradition.

In December, I will go to Freiburg, Germany, where I will be lecturing for a workshop on "Liberalism and the Evolutionary Agenda," organized by Ulrich Witt, the Director of the Evolutionary Economics Group at the Max Planck Institute (Jena).  There will be lots of smart people at this workshop, all interested in the implications of evolutionary science for economics, morality, and politics.  We'll be at a beautiful conference center at the foot of the Black Forest Mountains. 

Perhaps I'll meet the Geist of Martin Heidegger in a clearing in the forest.  If so, I'll explain to him where he went wrong.

In all of this work, I'll be thinking through my arguments for Darwinian liberalism.

1 comment:

  1. "Perhaps I'll meet the Geist of Martin Heidegger in a clearing in the forest. If so, I'll explain to him where he went wrong."

